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How Much Is It to Tint Tail Lights?

Most car owners consider tinting the tail lights to give their vehicles the unique appearance that comes with it.

Whether it is an SUV, truck, or vehicle, you can never go wrong with tinting your tail lights.

It can give your car the custom look that makes it stand out among other vehicles.

However, rest assured that it comes at a cost, and knowing how much to budget for it can make a huge difference.

So, how much is it to tint tail lights?

If you choose the right person for the job, thus guaranteeing excellent results, tinting the tail lights can cost between $65 and $150 for every lens.

On average, most car owners pay from $85 to $95 per lens.

Sometimes, tinting a single tail light could cost up to $175.

Besides the expert you settle for, other factors will determine how much to pay for the tail light tint task.

The main one is your vehicle model, not forgetting the size and shape of the tail lights.

Here’s a detailed discussion on tint tail lights.

Is It Worth Tinting Tail Lights?

Given that tinting tail lights is relatively costly, one can’t help but wonder whether it is worth it.

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Fair enough, it is worth investing in tail light tint for the following reasons;

It Improves the Tail Lights’ Condition

Over time, the tail lights experience wear and tear.

Given the time aspect and exposure to harsh weather conditions and UV radiation, especially often, why not?

Upon tinting the tail lights, the aftermath of that exposure diminishes, thus restoring their initial efficiency.

Besides, the tint is a protective layer, thus extending their longevity.

It Creates a Signature

Tinting tail lights give your car a unique appearance enough to make it stand out among the rest.

Consequently, you can customize it to make people identify you with it.

You can tell that so and so’s car is approaching just by seeing the tail lights tint.

It Enhances Your Car’s Style

Tinting the tail lights can do the trick if you want to make your car look stylish.

It has proven to make cars look good when done excellently.

How Long Will the Tint Last on Your Car Tail Lights?

The longevity of tail light tint differs from one car to another depending on its film.

If you settle for a coloured PPF film, expect the tin to last up to 10 years.

On the other hand, a standard tint film will only last between 2 and 3 years.

Is it Possible to Tint Tail Lights?

Yes, you can tint your car’s tail lights if you deem fit and have the budget.

You don’t need professional assistance since you can do it seamlessly and easily.

Nevertheless, confirming that tinting tail lights is illegal in your state is advisable.

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After all, the rules governing it differ from one state to another, and it would be unfortunate if such an issue could land you in trouble.

How Do You Tint Tail Lights?

There are 2 common methods one can use to tint tail lights, and here are the details for each;

How to Tint Tail Lights Using a Film Tint

If you use a film tint, here’s how to go about it.

  • Choose the ideal film tint since various options are available, including optic blue, Gunsmoke, red, yellow and the typical black tint.
  • Thoroughly clean the surface of your vehicle’s tail light using a microfiber cloth or window cleaner to remove watermarks, debris and dirt.
  • Cut the film tint into a manageable size that is easy to handle when using a precision knife.
  • Separate the film tint and the protective sheet by peeling the former from the latter.
  • Avoid a case of the film tint sticking on the tail light before appropriate alignment by spraying a rubbing alcohol solution or soapy water on its adhesive side.
  • If you use a rubbing alcohol solution, the percentage of the rubbing alcohol should be 15%, whereas that of water should be 85%.
  • Place the film tint on the tail light and avoid leaving creases while at it.
  • Eliminate any air bubbles or excess water under the film by using a squeegee and moving it from the centre outwards for an excellent job.
  • Cut the film around the tail light excellently using a precision knife carefully enough not to cut anywhere within the light but leave an extra film around it instead.
  • Finally, use a small spatula, squeegee or heat gut to tuck in the edges for a refined look.
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How to Tint Tail Lights Using a Spray Tint

Alternatively, you can use a spray tint, and the procedure is as follows;

  • In this case, the first step is removing the tail lights from your car
  • Next, ensure the taillight surface is completely smooth by sanding it before using the spray tint
  • Cover the areas you don’t need to spray using a masking tape
  • Ensure that the tail lights are also dry, and apply the spray while ensuring the spraying is light, and the layers are even for a uniform look.
  • Use the same procedure to apply the clear coat as well
  • Sand your car’s tail lights again
  • Using a clean cloth or application pad, apply rubbing compound on the evenly sanded tail lights generously to fix all the sanding scratches, including the fine ones.
  • Wipe the lights using a microfiber cloth before applying a polishing compound and a wax product.
  • Lastly, reattach the tail lights to your car.

Does Tail Light Tint Spray Work

If you choose the tint spray method, expect excellent results.

All you have to do is follow the right instructions, and the new look will impress you.

When done excellently, tint spray has proven more appealing and effective than its film counterpart.

That’s especially true if you own a Nissan Juke or any other car model with tail lights and several axes.

What’s the Difference Between Window Tint and Tail Light Tint?

When tinting your tail lights, the films you use aren’t different from the ones that tint your car windows.

Despite the similarity, a difference sets the tail light tint apart.

These films are cut precisely to fit the tail lights excellently; hence, they won’t work for the car windows.
