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Can You Use Dash Cam with Tinted Windows?

Insurance fraud has become rampant, and it is up to the car owners to protect themselves.

Installing a dashcam has proven to be an excellent strategy to avoid becoming a victim.

After all, it will capture excellent footage throughout your journey and serve as evidence in case of a collision or accident.

However, does it mean you must give up on tinted windows’ benefits to use this cam?

Can you use a dash cam with tinted windows?

Yes, you can use a dash cam with tinted windows as long as its quality is high and it has features such as low-light recording or night vision.

Here’s a detailed discussion on how to use a dash cam with tinted windows, so keep reading.

Do Dash Cams Work Through Tinted Windows?

Car-tinted windows are quite similar to sunglasses, and since you can see through your pair, it is obvious that a dash cam can work through tinted windows.

The tint may reduce the glare during the day but doesn’t affect the quality of the video your dash cam records.

Nevertheless, the case differs at night since the tint reduces the light reaching the camera’s sensor.

Consequently, the dashcam records fewer data at night, but the following things can make a huge difference despite the situation.

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Installing your dash camera determines whether it will see through your car-tinted windows hence the need to be careful about the mounting.

Its view also matters and should be clear to ensure the tint doesn’t obstruct it.

If you notice that the quality of your dash cam video footage leaves much to be desired, seek assistance from a professional installer since their expertise and experience could do the trick.

Sometimes, the type of tint you are using on your car windows compromises the quality of the video footage.

Ensure that it is not the darkest of 20% and below, or else it will jeopardize the performance of that dash camera.

Important Things to Know About Using Dash Cam with Tinted Windows

As you install a dash cam with tinted glasses, consider the following for high-quality recording and to avoid getting in trouble;

  • Research extensively before selecting a dashcam to ensure that you purchase a high-quality one
  • Remember the purpose of installing your dash cam to ensure that the one you choose suits it best
  • Ensure that you also install the dash cam in an excellent location for a perfect view and to avoid any obstruction.
  • Your dash cam also needs a power source, so you have no choice but to use it.
  • Install it correctly since its quality and location won’t make a huge difference if you don’t
  • Getting the installation right immediately is advisable since failure will lead to peeling the camera’s mountain adhesive on the car’s tinted window. It is double-sided and likely damages the window tint film by tearing or peeling it off.
  • Format its memory card.
  • Determine its field of view.
  • If necessary, adjust its settings accordingly.
  • Test your dash cam to confirm that it is working excellently
  • Adhere to the rules and regulations regarding the use of dash cams and tinted windows, which differ from one jurisdiction to another, to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law
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If you consider these things, expect high-quality video footage, and rest assured, you won’t land in trouble.

Can A Camera See Through Tint?

Cameras use sensors to process images and can’t function excellently if affected.

One thing that affects the sensors is window tint, although it doesn’t always apply.

It turns out the type of your sensor will determine whether the window tint will affect it.

Window tint won’t affect your sensors as long as they are infrared-based.

After all, infrared radiation is strong enough to pass through tinted car windows.

On the other hand, window tint will affect your sensors if they are based on visible light.

Under these circumstances, the window tint blocks the visible light from reaching the camera’s sensors, thus compromising its performance.

So, to use a dash cam with tinted glass, consider the infrared-based cameras and avoid their visible light-based counterparts.

Do Suction Cups Damage Window Tint?

If you want to use suction cups on your car’s tinted windows, do not hesitate since it works excellently.

Nevertheless, it will be hard for the suction cups to stick well unless you use a substantial amount of force.

Equally important, clean the suction cups thoroughly to eliminate dust or debris before attaching them to your tinted glass window or its clear counterpart.

Its sticking power increases further if you want the suction cup in your hands for several seconds before you attach it to the window.

Can CCTV See Through Tinted Glass?

It is usually difficult for CCTV to see through tinted glass.

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Tinted glass has dye that limits the light waves that pass through the car window from its visible spectrum.

Under such circumstances, the visibility of your vehicle’s interior reduces significantly.

Consequently, it becomes relatively hard for a security camera to see through the tinted glass.

Do Car Window Tint Block Sunlight?

UV rays, also known as ultraviolet light, are electromagnetic radiation responsible for causing skin cancer and accelerating skin aging.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about the rays’ harshness as long as your car windows have been tinted.

After all, the window tint can block about 99% of these harmful sun rays.

How Can You Mount a Dash Cam with Tinted Windows?

When mounting a dash cam with tinted windows, you have several options.

Using suction cup mounts is quite common and allows you to firmly attach the dash cam to your window or windshield for a long period.

Alternatively, you can choose a magnetic mount and, for obvious reasons, attach your dash cam to the car’s metal frame to hold it in place.

On the other hand, one can use an adhesive mount to attach a dash cam with tint.

This mount lets you directly attach the dash cam to the windscreen or dashboard.