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Are Tires Toxic to Dogs?

As a dog owner, you want to do anything to ensure your furry friend is happy, safe and comfortable.

You are willing to eliminate anything that could harm the dog.

However, you can only get rid of the right things if you know what’s dangerous or otherwise.

So, are tires toxic to dogs?

That’s good to know, given the love dogs have for tires.

These pets find them entertaining, most likely due to their toughness and durability and can occupy a dog for minutes or even hours.

As good as they may seem, tires contain toxins that can damage the dog’s health.

That doesn’t mean your dog will be affected as soon as the tire gets into its market, though.

It usually happens over time as toxins accumulate in their mouth and stomach.

These toxins affect the dogs’ teeth, gums and stomachs with time.

So, since better to be safe than sorry, ensure your dogs don’t chew tires to avoid the dire consequences.

Are Rubber Tires Toxic to Animals?

Besides dogs, the toxins in rubber tires also harm other animals.

The effect of these toxins is felt once that animal ingests a rubber tire.

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Nevertheless, it doesn’t happen over a short period since tire toxins aren’t in excess.

It takes some time to see the effects, but it might be too late to do something about the affected animal once they are evident.

Equally important, leaving a tire in water contaminates the water, thus threatening aquatic life.

Whereas a tire may not harm an animal directly after contact, the case differs regarding their aquatic counterparts.

After all, components such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in tires are water-soluble.

Consequently, a rubber tire in water will most likely affect creatures living in it or other animals which consume the water due to the direct contact upon dissolving.

It releases toxins more and faster than another tire lying on dry land for obvious reasons.

Besides ingesting, aquatic creatures can absorb dissolved toxins through their bodies or gills.

What Toxins Are in Rubber Tires?

Rubber tires have several toxins, but their toxicity differs from material to material.

The most toxic ones include arsenic, benzene and mercury.

The list of the chemicals in rubber tires is long, including the following;

  • Benzene solvent
  • Benzo(a)pyrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
  • Butadiene, a known synthetic rubber compound
  • Cadmium, a heavy metal
  • Carbon black
  • Chromium, a heavy metal
  • Copper, a heavy metal
  • Lead, a heavy metal
  • Natural rubber
  • Nickel, a heavy metal
  • Petroleum naphtha
  • Phenols, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls
  • Styrene solvent
  • Sulphur vulcanizing agent
  • Toluene solvent
  • Xylene solvent
  • Zinc, a heavy metal
  • Zinc oxide vulcanizing agent

Most of these chemicals are carcinogens or irritants and threaten one’s health.

Is Tire Rubber Cancerous?

Tire rubber isn’t cancerous per se.

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Nevertheless, some of its components are carcinogens, including polychlorinated biphenyls, Benzo (a) pyrene, Benzene and Butadiene.

Others are possible carcinogens, including carbon black and Styrene.

Why Do Dogs Chase Tires?

Some vehicles produce a relatively strong sound.

Dogs often hear these sounds are big growls, thus instilling fear in them.

Interestingly, the movement of the car tires is their source of entertainment, especially as they rotate.

Consequently, a dog will chase the tires for fun, which explains why it is common among these animals.

Why Do Dogs Like Peeing on Tires?

Dogs peeing on tires is a way of marking their territory.

Urinating is an effective way of communicating with other dogs.

So, upon urinating on the tire, that dog relays a message to other dogs.

On the other hand, any dog will understand that particular information once they smell the tire.

Similarly, the other dog leaves a mark there once it gets the message.

Besides tires, dogs also urinate on poles for the same reason.

How Do I Stop My Male Dog from Peeing on Tires?

Whereas urinating on tires is understandable, one may not be comfortable with it.

If that’s your case, you can stop your dog from urinating on the tires.

Place large pieces of plywood or cardboard against every tire.

Consequently, thanks to the cover, the dog will neither urinate nor sniff the tires.

Which Chews Are Good for Dogs?

A dog owner would appreciate good alternatives if a tire doesn’t make a great chew.

After all, it is hard to keep dogs from chewing since it is one of their hobbies.

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Besides quenching their thirst to chew, this behaviour also cleans teeth and alleviates boredom.

However, choosing a bad chew can do more harm than good, breaking teeth and causing stomach issues.

On the other hand, other chews are too weak hence wear and tear fast upon exposure to dogs’ jaws since they are undeniably powerful.

To avoid such outcomes, it is important to consider some things when choosing a chew for your dog, including the following;


It is vital to monitor your dog when chewing.

If you notice that the chew breaks easily, avoid giving it to the dog to avoid choking.

If there is extreme wear or tear, replace that chew before it is too late.


Various dogs have different preferences regarding flavours.

You most likely know what your dog prefers, and it is important to factor it in when choosing a chew.

Common flavours include beef, chicken and bacon.


Avoid rubber and plastic to reduce the chances of your dog ingesting the chew.

Such materials are also known for breaking dogs’ teeth.

On the contrary, choose rawhide, bone and other natural materials.


The size of your dog’s mouth is also worth considering when choosing a chew.

The chew should be larger than the mouth to ensure your dog doesn’t swallow it whole.

Are Tire Fumes Toxic to Animals?

As soon as a tire starts burning, its chemicals start breaking down.

The tire releases them into the air as vapour, and their harmfulness is indisputable.

These fumes are toxic to animals and humans and have dire consequences.

For instance, harmful vapours lead to headaches, respiratory problems, and cancer, among other health issues.
